The Between Times

January 4th, 2012 — 5:30am

The space between the end of one phase and the start of another is uncomfortable. Between losing one job, and finding another, it’s uncomfortable. Between realizing that the current product line is no longer competitive, and coming up with an idea for a new product line, it’s uncomfortable. Between a milestone reached with great success, and discovering the next meaningful goal, it’s uncomfortable.

In those times I find it tempting to seize on the first reasonable-looking thing that comes along, just to get out of that uncomfortable transition space. A wise advisor told me recently that she believes transitions are fruitful times not to be rushed through. She’s right.

Transitions are course changes that set the direction for decades to come, pretty important. They are also rare opportunities to brainstorm freely, because “keep doing what we’ve been doing” is taken off the table. It’s hard to think of what else 2+2 might equal when 4 is flashing on the screen. The discomfort of “we have no idea what we are going to do” brings about the priceless discovery of new possibilities.

I think the key is to be proactive about generating and exploring options yet patient about settling on one to the exclusion of the others.