Archive for February 2010

Are You Changed by Your Writing?

February 2nd, 2010 — 9:22am

A friend wrote a comment to me yesterday that got me thinking. Regarding an intimidating change I am making at work, she said

You can always change direction if need be but at least you are moving. Didn’t your blog say something about that. :)

I realized, yes, I did say something about that, and now I am acting where I was too intimidated to act before. Is there a connection?

I think the act of writing these posts is affecting where I focus my thoughts, and perhaps helping me practice what I preach. Maybe it’s helping me put my values into action because my values are more fresh and clear in my mind when I write about them. Journaling is not a new idea, right?

I know many of you are writers. Are you changed by your writing? What’s your insight on how and why? I’d love to hear your comments.

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