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Engine Failure! – My Aviation Emergency and When to Say “Never Again”

April 9th, 2015 — 5:30am

On Tuesday, March 31 I drove to the airport for my flying lesson. I figured there was a decent chance I’d fly solo for the first time that day. Honestly, I should have soloed a long time ago. Due to scheduling breaks and my below-average knack for flying, it’s taken me a long time to get to this point.

It was a windy day, 13 knots gusting 19, making flying a bit challenging. With my instructor in the plane, I did three very nice touch-and-goes (landings followed by takeoffs without stopping). I was doing well in spite of the wind, and I was feeling good. On the fourth landing, I caught a couple of strong gusts and under-corrected, resulting in a safe but less-than-pretty landing. This prompted my instructor to have me do a few more, rather than go solo at that time. I’m quite thankful for that.

We did a few more touch and goes without incident. As I completed the 7th or 8th takeoff for the day, my happy sense of accomplishment was interrupted by sudden and obvious sputtering of the engine.

We had a real engine failure after takeoff at 100 feet above the ground. This was not a drill. It was a bad situation. My instructor and I both recognized it immediately. We both said “engine failure” into our headsets (or maybe just thought it) at the same time. Immediately he said “Ok. My plane.” which means he’s taking the controls. He adjusted the plane’s pitch to maintain a glide, and decided on a landing point. We had just passed the end of 32L, the runway we took off on, and we’d need 500 feet of altitude to turn 180 degrees back to it. We only had 100 feet, so landing on that runway was not an option. Runway 36 was angling to our right. We were already almost past it. He’d have to make a sharp right turn without power to make that runway. In an instant he chose to do that.

I’ll never forget his voice on the radio “04-Hotel. Engine Failure. Engine Failure. I’m taking 36.” The tower, always calm and always following procedure responded with “04-Hotel. Runway 36. Clear to Land”. Not like we were really asking permission at that point, but we did need the tower to keep any other planes out of our way.

My instructor executed a perfect power-off steep turn, only had time to put on one notch of flaps, compensated for the crosswind we had turned into, and put the plane down quite gently right on 36. He had the training and experience to handle it.

We got a visit from the airport crash-fire-rescue trucks. Once they heard “engine failure” they were on their way. That was more drama than I wanted at that moment.

When the Adrenaline Wore Off

The rest of that day I kept rehearsing what I would have done if I had been on my first solo when that engine failed. It’s a bad situation for any pilot, and I would have had the least experience under which a pilot could possibly find himself in that situation alone. I would not have made the turn and the runway my instructor did. My training was to land straight ahead in that scenario, and that’s what I would have done. That would have meant putting the plane down in a soybean field. I think I would have accomplished that without dying. I had enough training and practice on emergency landings to do that. But it would have been a very scary and dangerous experience. The plane may have been damaged.

That afternoon I had an adrenaline hangover. I felt wiped, and I had lost my nerve to keep flying. I talked with a few friends and fellow pilots, which helped. I called my therapist and got her support and thoughts on my experience that had life-and-death implications. By the end of the day my courage was starting to come back. Over the next few days I talked through the situation with a few more friends and my mentor Greg. I decided I would get back on the horse and not let a bad experience be my last experience flying.

Thoughts and Reflections

A life team is a lifesaver. I am grateful for the key friends, mentors, and professional helpers I could depend on to help me respond to a difficult thing. Isolation is deadly. There’s strength and wisdom in community.

Unexpected things happen, and they’ll continue to happen. The odds of an engine failure in the amount of time I’ve spent flying is less than 0.1%, and it happened. It’s impossible to eliminate all risk. Preparation and experience provide the ability to handle and respond to what happens. My instructor demonstrated that beautifully. There’s a realistic basis for security that comes from being prepared. This applies to all aspects of life – relationships and work. We can proceed with confidence when we know we are prepared to respond appropriately to the unpredictable.

Significant events bring significant emotions. I was wiped out and pessimistic that afternoon. We are not computers. We have primitive and physical responses. If we ignore those, they will continue to affect us long term. If we base our decisions on those, we will make reactive and unwise decisions. Our primitive brains don’t know how to assess risk, especially of rare events. Acknowledge and process emotion, and give yourself appropriate time to stabilize. Decide your course of action with your whole brain, not just the primitive parts.

There’s value in getting back on the horse. There’s no practical reason I need to keep flying, but I think there are good reasons for me to go back out and experience some safe and normal flights. “Never again” is for foolish or destructive things. Getting back on the horse is for good things that sometimes go wrong. There’s a big difference between “I’ll never touch a hot stove again” and “I’ll never trust a close friend again”, but our primitive brains feel the same about both bad experiences: “Don’t go there.”

Maybe we all have good and healthy places we are afraid to “go there” to again. Trusting a friend. Falling in love. Confronting a difficult person. Attempting a business venture. The painful memories stay powerfully present with us.

If there’s good to be pursued, and you are reasonably prepared, get back on the horse. Don’t let good things in life end up on your “never again” list. Reach out to your life team for support, and go for it.

I’ll be back in the sky soon.

The Advantage is in the Difficulty

April 2nd, 2015 — 5:30am

It’s natural to look for easy ways to reach our goals. This is sensible, and reduces wasted effort. Taking the elevator rather than the stairs to the 20th floor is an efficient choice.

To make a difference, change things, or win in an open competition, you’ll need to do the opposite. You’ll need to look for something difficult to do.

Solve the difficult engineering problem, knock on 500 doors, train harder, risk failure, persevere long enough to make it. The advantage is in the difficulty.

P.S. I talk about lean business startups and early market validation on this new video interview.

What’s a Growth Group Like?

March 26th, 2015 — 5:30am

Many people haven’t been part of a personal and/or professional growth group before and naturally aren’t sure what to expect from one. For those of you with questions about what my Champaign, IL Leadership Development Group will be like, here’s my best shot at painting a picture of the experience.

Outline of the Day

8:00am Continental Breakfast (included)
8:30am Group Check-In on Goals, Progress, and How Life’s Going
9:30am Personal/Professional Growth Teaching Topic by Me
11:00am Group Interaction Facilitated by Me
Noon Lunch Together (included)
1:00pm Individual Member Workgroups (2 members per month)
2:30pm Group Interaction Facilitated by Me
4:00pm Homework Assignments and Action Plans
5:00pm (Optional) Have a Drink and Decompress Downtown

Who You’ll Be With

Up to nine other people who want to grow and improve. Most from Central Illinois, some flying in from faraway places to participate. Men and women, some business owners, some salaried workers in business, some workers in the nonprofit world. All different personalities. Everyone interviewed by me to ensure a good fit and a positive experience.

Sample Teaching Topics

  • The Connection Between Personal Character and Organizational Performance
  • How to Engage Conflict and Confront Effectively
  • Strategic Thinking and Intentional Future Planning
  • Understanding Organizational Cultures and Leading them Intentionally
  • When Bad Things Happen: Healthy Responses to Negative Realities In Us and Around Us
  • What Makes a Business Model Work

All teaching times will be relaxed and interactive and tailored to the specific interests of the group.

Group Interaction

These are the times that make groups awesome. These interactive groups provide a chance to give and receive feedback that’s hard to get anywhere else. I’ll encourage members to talk with the group about what’s really going on in life and work. You’ll get honest and supportive input on how you are approaching things, and how others in the group relate to you. It’s real-time opportunity to work on communication, know yourself better as a leader, and be part of a supportive community as you work on challenges. I’ll be there to make sure the conversation is healthy and productive.


These are a chance to take 45 minutes to have the group be your advisory board. Twice each year you’ll have a time slot to present a challenge, opportunity, or tough decision you are facing, and have the group help you address it. There’s always a ton of wisdom in the room that can really help.

Action Plan

Each month you’ll leave with one to three specific action steps to move forward with between meetings. When we are back together the following month you’ll ask each other how you did, high-five each other when it goes well, and help troubleshoot when it doesn’t.

Overall Takeaways

You’ll get out of your routine once a month to deliberately focus on growing you. You’ll work from your heart and your head. You’ll make new and surprisingly close friends. You’ll get unstuck in tough areas personally and professionally. You’ll bring your biggest challenges into a supportive community. You’ll see improved results in your work or organization.

What Will it Cost

I’m offering this group for only $100 per meeting, for the entire day, breakfast and lunch included. I doubt I will ever again offer a group experience like this for this price. If you are interested don’t wait for the next one.

Session Dates (All are Fridays):

August 7, 2015
September 4, 2015
October 2, 2015
November 6, 2015
December 4, 2015
January 8, 2016
February 5, 2016
March 4, 2016
April 1, 2016
May 6, 2016
June 3, 2016
July 1, 2016

Courageous Members Wanted

It’s a risk to join a group where you intend to be real, to confront stuck places, and reach for new levels. This isn’t for the faint of heart, and the truth is you won’t know for sure what it’s like until you try it. Growth always involves a willingness to be uncomfortable. If you want better than status quo, contact me about joining the group. Thanks!

A Leadership Development Group in Central Illinois

March 19th, 2015 — 5:30am

When I announced I was offering a leadership development group in Houston, a lot of the feedback I got was “sounds awesome, let me know if you offer this in my city”. Point taken. I’m exploring interest in a professional development group in Central Illinois, where the largest group of my readers are from. What’s a Growth Group Like?

The details are still in development. Here are the highlights:

  • An intimate group of 10 participants who want to connect, be challenged, and grow.
  • Teaching and group interactions led by me.
  • Meeting in Champaign, 8am-5pm, one day per month, for a year. Out-of-towners welcome to travel in.
  • Teaching, group interaction, real-time workshopping, and monthly action plans to enhance your relationships and your performance. We’ll have breakfast and lunch together too.
  • Teaching topics on emotional intelligence, leading others effectively, addressing conflict, pursuing your passion and purpose, creating healthy culture, strategic planning, and more.
  • Designed to be affordable, and reimbursable by your employer as a professional development experience. Pricing to be determined based on interest and feedback. Scholarships available for small nonprofits or motivated individuals to whom cost could be a barrier.
  • Likely start date August, 2015.

If you are interested in being part of this group, would you send me an email and let me know? Early responders will have a chance to give input to help shape how we do this. You’ll also have first dibs on registering before it’s opened up to everyone else. Thanks!

Working on Me

March 12th, 2015 — 5:30am

I’m in California this week for a one week intensive workshop for my growth as a person, a leader, and a coach. It’s interactive, relational, and authentically human.

I had some doubts about doing this workshop again, whether it’s indulgent, or subject to a diminishing return. This week has reminded me how valuable it is to get out of my routine context, and intentionally invest in my own growth.

When you invest in your growth, you raise the “ceiling” on what’s possible in your work and in your relationships. Don’t let your limitations be a lifelong cap on your potential. Put growth on your calendar.

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