Seven Habits Review: Habit 2
I have a little different take than Covey on this habit. Here it is…
Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind
Simply put, this is Habit #1 – be proactive – plus deliberately chosen, consistently pursued direction.
Before you get started blazing a trail, look at the big picture and know where you want to go, and why. Then line up your proactive steps to get there from here. Once you clearly identify where you want to go, operational decisions at all levels are clarified and informed by that destination.
This is the opposite of doing what happens to be in front of you, or what someone else wants you to do.
Non-linear destinations like “learn about this technology” or “discover new possibilities” are ok, so long as you’re clear from the beginning that’s the result you want.
I’m convinced that you can reach almost any goal that you are willing to be steadily proactive about, even goals that seem incredibly far away.